Coaching and transformative leadership

1 minute read



  • Which question, issue would you like to talk about today ?
  • What do you want or what do you want instead ?
  • When you achieve that, what will that make for you ?
  • How do you know when you have achieved that ?


  • What is missing, lacking, for you to reach that goal ?
  • What resources or support do you need ?
  • What stops you from … ?
  • Where are you now on a scale from 1 to 10 in reaching this goal / expected results ?


  • What are the alternatives ?
  • In what different ways could you approach this challenge ?
  • What would you do if you had more time/a bigger budget / if you were the manager ?
  • What advise would you give to a friend ?
  • What else ?


  • What is your next step ?
  • What is your commitment for doing it 1-10 ?
  • How can you get closer to 10 ?
  • What can stop you and what can you do to prevent it ?
  • When will you do this ?

Observer instructions

Things to pay extra attention to:

  • Does the coach help the coachee to elaborate and to be specific ?
  • Does the coach take time to listen and pay attention to what’s “ below the surface” ?
  • Does the coach take on too much responsibility for the solution ?