Useful commands with Git

1 minute read

A list of Git commands that are practically useful even after years of experience

Repository Aladdin

  • Create new respository by GitHub webinterface
  • git init
  • git remote add origin
  • git push -u origin master

Work routine:

  • only read Participating that someone mentions you.
  • when you have more time or get bored Notifications
  • if you even have time, check new issues that are interesting to follow


Searching issues and pull requests

More tips


  • Reset changes
git reset --hard
  • New branch locally
git branch xx
git checkout typexx
  • Fetch new branch from remote
git fetch origin xx
git checkout xx
  • List branch locally
git branch --list
  • List branch remote
git branch -r
  • List branch both local and remote
git branch -a
  • Delete xx on local
git branch xx -D
  • Delete xx on remote. Here origin is my remote
git push origin :xx
  • Pull xx from remote
git pull origin xx
  • Merge xx from remote
git merge origin xx
git merge origin xx --no-ff
  • Squash all commit from a feature branch, which diverges from this branch
git merge origin xx --squash
  • Rename old branch
#Rename branch locally 
git branch -m old_branch new_branch         
#Delete the old branch 
git push origin :old_branch                     
#Push the new branch, set local branch to track the new remote
git push --set-upstream origin new_branch   
  • showing parents of a merge commit
git show --pretty=raw <commit hash>